Why choose us?


  • We take a friendly, informal yet professional approach, making you feel comfortable and safe in our neutral environment, giving you the confidence to speak out.
  • We take the necessary steps to get the right outcome for all involved. We simply want to make it easier for people going through this process, ensuring minimal distress and preserving the wellbeing of both parties - and any children - as much as possible.
  • We firmly believe that mediation is the preferable route to court; mediation should always be part of the separation process as it provides a neutral outlet for both parties to be heard and to make decisions.
  • If there are children involved, we always prioritise their needs and wellbeing above all else.
  • We take a holistic approach; in other words, we take everything into consideration rather than just certain elements. This enables us to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the situation before tackling individual issues.
  • 25 years’ experience in family law gives us a vast amount of legal knowledge, enabling us to effectively support the mediation process.
  • 13 years’ experience in mediation along with Family Mediation Council Accredited status, which recognises our experience and expertise.
  • Expertise in military pensions; they are very different in structure to other types of pension but our experience in dealing with these allows us to navigate our way to a solution.
  • We understand that mediation is only one part of the separation process and we are happy to put you in touch with other trusted professionals who can help you along the rest of the way. (Link to professional page here)
  • We specialise in shuttle mediation for those couples who are simply unable to be in the same room. This ensures communication continues and that channels remain clear so as not to slow the process down.

Get in touch

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